Life Changes in an Instant
Today marks one year since the mass shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School (MSD) in Parkland, Florida. Life changed in an instant for the students, teachers, friends, school personnel, families, community, and the country.
Out of the devastation grew a movement that brought millions of people marching in the streets on March 24 — the largest single demonstration against gun violence this country has seen and likely the largest single-day protest in Washington, DC. Out of the devastation grew a movement of new gun sense voters — young and old, new and seasoned — armed with the weapons of education and information about the perils of easy and unfettered access to guns. And out of the devastation came a newly elected class of lawmakers in the House of Representatives, many driven to run on a gun safety platform and elected to bring that message to our nation’s capital.
Such changes brought the first hearings and subsequent votes on gun violence prevention legislation in the House of Representatives in nearly a decade. Thanks to Reps. Lucy McBath (D-GA) — mother of a son shot and killed — Mike Thompson (D-CA), Peter King (R-NY), and more than 200 cosponsors, the Bipartisan Background Checks Act of 2019 (HR 8) passed out of the House Judiciary Committee (21–14) just yesterday. HR 8 would require a background check on almost every gun sale or transfer. The committee also approved, 23–15, HR 1112 — the Enhanced Background Checks Act, which would close a loophole in the current background-check law (known as the “Charleston loophole”) that allows a gun purchase if a check is not completed in three days. Both bills head to the House floor for consideration.
Today, and every day, we honor those who died at MSD and all who are taken from us much too soon due to senseless gun violence. As we say in Judaism, may their memories be for a blessing. And, as we say in my world of social justice advocacy, #ENOUGH.
Everything changed in an instant. Today’s lawmakers and voters say #NeverAgain. And, if you don’t believe us, just wait and see what we do in 2020.